About Me

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I'm a smalltown girl from Nebraska and am currently enrolled in college for elementary education.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Adventures of Buying a Fish

Hey Bloggie Fans! So today was a day full of excitement for me. Shane and I went to Wal-mart to purchase our replacement fish
(by replacement I mean we bought some last Fri. and didn't know that the city water would kill them-therefore we were able to return them and get our refund).

 I felt like a little kid again picking out which fish to buy and being super excited to take it home and put it in the fish bowl.  It honosetly took me about ten minuets to pick out the right one...lol the funny thing is that since they are goldfish they pretty much all looked the same. But I guess you want to pick just the right one:)

We have bought distilled water to keep them in-hopefully they will last longer than a day.  We bought a large fantail, a baby fantail and two common goldfish. I named my two Pudge and Herman and Shane named his Big A** and Bad A** ....very typical of a guy.  This pretty much covers my excitement today. I hope you have a goodnight and remember tomorrow is Friday!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Embarrasing Moments

Hey! I hope you all had a wonderful day. Today I thought I would mix it up and share an embarrasing moment with you:) So it is about 11:00 at night and my boyfriend and I are down in the library computer lab working on homework ( note that there is about 6 other people in here).  Anyways I was working on a powerpoint when I felt some unexpected movement down there and well before I knew it out comes this TOOT..lol and  when I  say toot I mean it sounded just like a TOOT! It was incredibly embarrasing. After that my boyfriend started making little TOOT noises at me. I felt so unlady like! I just hope not everybody heard it, but I am afraid that they all did. 

<3 Aly

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 7 Building Under Construction: Love Yourself

Hey! I hope everybody was able to get outside today and enjoy the b-e-a-utiful weather:) I  was able to get out for about an hour and soak up some of the rays. Today I was able to get back into my routine and hit the gym. We worked out on the olyptical for about 20 min., then we did 15 mins with the bench press and about another 15 min. on abs. Overall it was a very succesful day! However, the main thing that i wanted to talk about was a piece of advice that was pointed out to me by my boyfriend. It mentioned that you shouldn't focus so much on what other people think about your appearance, but more so on what really matters, your character/personality. This advice really made me stop and think, it was a good reminder to me that being beautiful just isn't about what is on the outside but also what is on the inside! So i am going to challenge you to chose 3 characteristics that you like about yourself and focus on them. Everyday you look in the mirror remind yourself that your beautiful because of ..insert your characteristic. I would love to hear some of them:) 
<3 Aly

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 5: Building under Construciton

Stress, Stress and more STRESS!!! Things seem to come out of no where and being the women that we are we let it freak us out and we worry. I have been battleing stress this weekend  between working my two jobs, attending the new chapel dedecation service, writing a 5-6 page paper, making 3 trips to Walmart in connection with my fish repeatedly dying and at the same time relax and exercise. There just never seems to be enough time to do anything. PHEW! Now that I got that off my back I can breathe-lol the funny thing about stress is that backwords it is the last 6 letters of desserts. No wonder women eat when they are stressed.  Oh man so this weekend has not been a good weekend to log for healthy steps towards my goal. Shane and I had our 3 month anniversary on Friday and well we went out to eat at Applebees and later bought fudge and well Sat and today were no better. However, I will regain my focus and will start working again tomorrow. Determination is the key to success..it may take a while but eventually you will get there:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 2: Building Under Construction

It is Day 2 of my challenge and I am feeling the burn from yesterdays ab workout. However, NO PAIN- NO GAIN! With that lovely thought in mind I will log my healthy steps for the day. This morning  for breakfast I a bowl of cereal, toast, grapefruit and a glass of water. This meal was followed once again by a chicken wrap and ceasar salad for lunch. I am almost positive that salad wasn't the best choice, however, I limited the amount that I took. I also passed on desserts for lunch, but caved in at supper when I won a bag of fortune cookies for stundet appreciation night:(  My supper consited of mashed potatoes, green beans, and meat.  For exercising today I did 20 minuets on the olyptical and then 10 minuets on my arms and concluded with about 15 minuets of abs and legs. Overall it was a  satisfactory day. I enjoyed a 30 minuet walk with one of my girlfriends later that evening. However, my huge downfall so to speak was when I weighed myself. I admit I have always been self-conscious of my weight and it tends to bother me.  I was reminded that muscle weighs more than fat and that if you want to reach a goal you need to work at. Some people get so bogged down by the number and lose all motivation and self confidence. Don't forget that you can do and that it will take time, pain and even sweat, but in the end it will be totally worth it! <3 Aly

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 1: Building under Construction

Welcome! Today is the first day of my challenge. Before I get started I wanted to remind you that you are Beautiful and you have the power to do anything you set your mind to. With that said  I will share in my healthy steps that I took today. I amde sure that I had a well-balanced breakfast:eggs,ham,water,fruit, and a piece of toast. For Lunch I chose to make myself a chicken wrap and pass on desserts.  One of my new things is taking the stairs and avoing the elevators. Sometimes I will race my boyfriend up or down the stairs just to get my heart pumping. The last big thing that I did was I worked out for about a hour. This consisted of 20 minuets on the olyptical, 5-10 minuets on my arms and 10 minuets on my abs.  I find it beneficial to have a workout buddy. This helps to keep you motivated, it also can give you some competion to push yourself. Another thing I have found helpful to keep me going is music-headphones aren't that expensive and good upbeat music really does the trick.  No matter what course of action you chose just remember to stay positive and keep your eyes fixed on the overall goal.  If you don't have a workout buddy I will be more then happy to be your buddy- if you share your daily workout routine or goals I will offer suppport and encouragement.  Keep Pushing Forward <3 Aly

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Building Under Construction

Hey Bloogie Fans~
     It has been an incredibly long time since I have typed a new post. However,  I want you to be a part in my goal/objective.  My mom and I have decided that we want to work on our overall fitness and health. This includes trimming down some of that uneccessary body weight. We have set a goal to lose 5 pounds by May 9th , which also happens to be my sisters confirmation.

We are going to work on eatting healthier and incorporating exercise into our daily rountine. This is the part where you come in- I've never been very good at motivating myself to exert physical pain on myself through exercise, however, I have now openly comminted to this challenge and I am looking to you for encouragement. I will do my best to make daily reports on my progress and the methods I take to reach my goal.

I have named my goal: Building Under Construction for the sole purpose of reminding me that my body is a temple of God. I have installed a countdown on the right side column to show the date for completion.

Remember in all things that:
 God has created us in his own image,
 We are fearfully and wonderfully made
Our true beauty comes from the inside, not on our outward apperance

<3 Alyssa
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