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I'm a smalltown girl from Nebraska and am currently enrolled in college for elementary education.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Stay Fit Over Christmas

Welcome back to another week, for those of you at MLC it is our last week of school for this year!!! Just last week I attended a Health Seminar. It introduced tips to stay in shape over christmas vacation or any time:)  For Tasty Tip Tuesday I thought I would share some of them with you.
Tips for When You Travel Over The Holidays:
  1. Pick up portable healthy snacks at a local market so you won't be caught hungry in front of a mini-bar.
  2. Always drink plenty of water, especially when your flying.
  3. Conjure up a healthy meal in your mind prior to entering a restaurant, and stick to your plan as closely as possible.
  4. Try to eat at least three times per day to keep from feeling famished and over indulging at one time.
  5. Go ahead and splurge on regional dishes or local cuisine, but balance your diet by choosing lower-calorie foods at other meals.
  6. Don't just eat because your bored when driving. Always ask yourself "Why your eatting?"
  7. If you have daily exercise routine  stick to it no matter where you are- the chances you are with your family or significant other and they already know you well enough anyways:)
  8. Make the time in your vactation to get out and move around, don't let you exercising go down the drain because you are on "Vacation"
  9. Don't be afraid to ask one of your friends to join you in exercising
  10. Most hotels either have a fitness center or an agreement with a local fitness center- There's No Excuse!
  11. Have Fun!!!

I found these tips to be quite beneficial. I know that I get into vacation mode and I let my routine go down the drain. Being healthy and staying in shape is part of our everyday lives no matter where we are. If you have any more tips on how to stay in shape on vacation or healthy restaurants to go to when traveling just let me know. I hope you all have have safe travels and enjoy your vacation this holiday!!

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