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I'm a smalltown girl from Nebraska and am currently enrolled in college for elementary education.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tasty Tip Tuesday: Green Peppers

It's Tuesday and you know what that means...the healthy, yet tasty tip of the week :) So I thought I would share with you one of my favorite ways to obtain Vitamin C.  To your suprise Green peppers actually contain 2 times the amount of vitamin c as oranges ( when eatten raw), and that red and yellow bell peppers contian 4 times the amount of Vitamin C as oranges. I didn't know that until one of my friends asked me why I ate green peppers and my only response was that they were good for me. After that I decided that if I was going to eat something I want to know the benefits, and the results were quite shocking.  I never knew they could be so healthy and taste so good!!! Now every time I eat I always grab a bowl full of green peppers:) If you like green peppers I have attached a link for Green Pepper Recipes-

1 comment:

  1. lol i dnt know that no wonder y u love peppers.


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