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I'm a smalltown girl from Nebraska and am currently enrolled in college for elementary education.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Whatever Wednesday: It's Just one of those days :(

Okay I know this is kinda late, but it has been one of those days! It started off ruff when I was totally clumsy prone this morning when I had to get up for first hour and my roommate was trying to sleep:( I really hate that when i t happens, because I want to be as courteous to her as I again, however, it just wasn't one of those mornings! I quickly shrugged it off and went on with the rest of my day- it couldn't be so bad because after my classes I could head home for fall break!!! Well that's where the good stuff begins:) So the drive was going alright- I was trying to stay awake because I was up at 6:45 this morning to get ready for class- and driving when tired doesn't go well together! I recently got a hands free headset from William so that I could drive carefully, so I called him and asked him to keep me awake. Everything was going okay, I had bought SoBe energy drinks before I left New Ulm and Will did a wonderful job of entertaining. As I mentioned earlier I bought SoBe energy drinks and with being tired I drank both of them- now where do you think that all goes? Yeah! It goes right through you and generally I'm very good about holding it, but this was getting painful ( it was hard to walk- when I actually stopped at a gas station). I had just crossed the border and was back in Nebraska, and was going pretty fast- I was in desperate need of a bathroom- and well you guessed it - I got pulled over!  Now he wasn't one of those nice and friendly policeman- he was very hardcore and in the end I not only got a $123 speeding ticket ( 15 over:!), but my plates were conveniently out of date and Mr. Strict took special note of that:(  My only hope as a poor college student is to be eligible to take the S.T.O.P class, however since my plates were out of date as well I don't think I will be eligible, but keep your fingers crossed!  After all is said and done I am glad to be home!!
          Just a quick reminder it is Topical Thursday tomorrow, so if you have anything you want discussed just feel free to comment on this blog and later that afternoon I will do my blogging :) I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow and I will talk to you then- Night

*Sorry if anyone is offended by the blonde humor in the photo- I thought I would add some humor to the depressing topic :)

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